Choose a query from the list below:

select * from orders;

select * from orders where freight > 40;

select * from orders where employeeId = 3;

select * from orders where orderedDate = '1996-07-10';

select * from orders where shippedDate = '1996-07-23';

select * from orders where orderID = 10248;

Choose a query from the list below:

select * from orders;

select * from orders where freight > 40;

select * from orders where employeeId = 3;

select * from orders where orderedDate = '1996-07-10';

select * from orders where shippedDate = '1996-07-23';

select * from orders where orderID = 10248;

Execute SQL Query

Click the little down arrow in the header to open the sample queries menu, you can select any query from that menu!